Aerith Strength Level

OK, is it just me or is Aerith insanely powerful? I just recently started playing this game(I’ve had it downloaded for a while, but was doing other things). I’m in the Corel area, but I swear for most fights I only need cloud to draw their attention for just a few minutes and then I solo even the bosses with Aerith and basically ignore the other characters. Between her multiple wards, INSANE magic power and the ability to kite-blink back to her wards, she basically eats everything ALIVE. Not to mention her ability to basically RIP mp out of enemies when she gets low.

Am I just really good with her, or is she actually like this for everyone?

Don’t get me wrong, all of them have up sides and down sides, but I have a hard time justifying a group WITHOUT her in it.

EDIT: Wow, glad to know it's not just me. CONVO being had...the funny thing is, I HATE Aerith (yea, I'm that guy). I don't mean playing her, I mean her storyline. She, somehow, gets on my GD nerves! When I don't have her on my team I'm usually running Cloud+Tifa+RedXIII. The moment a baddie even STARTS to look at the char I'm controlling I jump to the next and KEEP PUNCHING! No Aerith? I want those three...

...I basically never go near Barret. Which is annoying because generally speaking I actually like him.