The AI really needs to stop perfectly dodging missiles
Struggling with DCS
Carrier Landing Question
How Does That Even Make Sense?
DCS AI BVR behavior is never going to get fixed is it?
F18 NWS question
VIACOM Help Setup
do ur worst
Donald Trump Named in Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs Released by His Own Attorney General
Roast me 25M consider my self pretty confident. Try to change that
What is your favorite science related quote or any quote quoted by a scientist?
Okinawa appreciation post
Aerith Strength Level
Hypothetically, if we suppose white holes exist, what would happen if one of them collide with a black hole?
R/roast me
20 mtf. I'm broke and I have very few friends
Roast me
I can take anything make me cry
give me some new insecurities
make me cry I guess
What game comes to mind?
DCS Oculus VR Settings for a lesser PC 3060ti
Funny MBTI Test
What does your MBTI stand for (wrong answers only).
(22) Artist, musician, camera shy as hell. I have no clue what I look like, so go nuts with specifics!