Husband wants a career. He’s really clever but not booksmart (ESL) should he go to trade school? Florida based.
Hiiii Reddit fam. My husband has been taking the backseat to his career by being a stay at home dad with our little ones, while I furthered mine in healthcare. He’s gotten really good at cutting sandwiches into geometrical shapes, refereeing between sibling rivalries, folding clothes sorted by shape n color, and catastrophe cleanup (the house after kids go to bed).
Now we really need a second income and he’s itching to provide and start the career journey. If we were up north I would suggest a union apprenticeship but we are in the Treasure Coast of Florida. The issue is, that he is not a fast reader. He had a subpar education in a “third world “ country. But he’s great with hands on learning and listening. He’s also very physically fit. Bonus he’s an American Citizen.
He’s leaning on me to help him find a career path, but the obstacle besides what I mentioned above, is right now he can only really commit to part time or per diem work or school because we can’t afford child care for all our little ones while we both work. I work 3 nights a week and one for studying.
Anyways I get that my question is a little vague, but open to suggestions. He really wants to find a trade that has long term potential to be a great source of income. :) Ty