Seeing and communicating with the dead??

This post is not for me, but for my mother who is very freaked out at the minute. She has had experiences with dead people in the past; one such example is when her best friend's grandmother (who had raised her) died and she was hugging the friend, when all of a sudden she said, "mámi and pápi wouldnt want it like this." and her friend shot up and asked her to repeat it, after which she revealed that she used to call them (the grandparents) mámi and pápi as a child and asked my mother how she knew this as she hadn't told this to anyone.

At this my mother was of course, very confused and started apologising thinking she offended the friend. Another instance, a more recent one, is she split up with her girlfriend of 2 years, and they have started to reconnect. My mother had her head in the girlfriend's lap and her eyes were closed when she saw the girlfriend's dead brother, perched on a concrete wall and she could sense him there and his thoughts; he was angry with the girlfriend for the way she had treated my mother could hear his thoughts. Then she asked the girl why her brother had a scar on his right arm (when the two met he was already dead for years) to which the girl was shocked and asked my mother how on earth she knew that; after which she explained what she'd just seen and heard and described in such detail that she even told her the colour of his socks.

TLDR; I am reaching out on my mother's behalf, seeking advice for her because she can communicate with the dead and needs advice. Anything is appreciated.