I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
"In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast thee out, O evil Demon!" I scream as I throw my possessed daughter into the cold.
I killed the PE teacher in 202X mode and the next day, this woman named Yume Sato shows up. Is this a bug?
Is this a weird placement for my nostril piercing?
I’ve been silently here for a little while and I know a tiny bit but
I need help with the 10th Rivals task!!
I’ve been out of the yandere world for 3 years, what happened?
Who are the hottest and cutest rivals in you're opinion? (1980s and 202X)
Which rival is your favourite and why
Kizana and Oka redesigns!
Time to do this with this reddit
Worst/least good Melanie Martinez song?
My sister doesn’t like the way I don’t my eyebrows, what do y’all think?
Im poor 😭💔
do you drink tap water? why or why not?
What are you if you chew on straws?
What meds are you taking?
Week 10 1980s
I'm concerned for my mother; she may be a medium but can't control it
Seeing and communicating with the dead??
AITA for not cooking my pregnant wife dessert?