Buyback request submitted, what to expect?
Unfortunately the day has come where even the service center proactively offered to submit a buyback request. Bought my MX23 in Nov. 22, at almost peak-price $120k. Still, it was a long dream coming true and couldn't be happier...until several issues started to surface, initially with driver seat, windows and then consistently with the rear right falcon door. It has been in service centers on and off 8-9 times in 2 years, including stints at the body shop.
Service consultant was very nice and happy to make the buyback request, but said he did not know anything in terms of pricing offered.
What should I expect from this offer? I paid 120k for a Mx23 in Nov. 22, it's the in-between model, refreshed with yoke and horizontal display, but still has proximity sensor and Autopilot Hardware 3 (I do not have FSD). The rear screen has the thicker bezels. I still owe about 30k on the loan.
Any experiences you'd like to share?