Lost my motivation to teach (for today)
So today I was supposed to be gone for ILT meetings, but between the ILT person schedule conflict, and our principal not being here today we kind of scrapped it. Well, our senior boys are going to the conference today, and so the entire school went out to the gym to cheer them on, and we were having a pretty good time of it, until towards the end, 2 boys started getting into with each other, and for one stupid reason or another, I decided to get in between them and break them up.
As I did so, one of them punched me directly in the face, between my eyes and on the bridge of my nose. I'm fine for the most part, justva slight headache, the nurse said they don't any signs of a concussion, but I'm getting a check up after school, filed a claim with workers comp and everything. I honestly don't feel like teaxhing for the rest of the day, so I'm probably just going to put know a movie for all of my classes.
Before anyone asks/says it, I probably could have taken the rest of the day off and go get checked up right then and there, I'm just choosing to work till the end of the day. The superintendent told me I could, I just chose to. They've all been for kind and supportive, I'm just a l7g with no common sense is all