"Put my grade in" no❤️
Meeting all of the standards
Lost my motivation to teach (for today)
What do your students call you?
My (🤢) Governor banned personal electronics on schools
Considering alcohol as an option
attention getters without raising your voice
Why do 40-50 percent of teachers quit within the first five years?
I may have made a slight mistake...
Resources on how to teach?
Does anybody else lose all motivation for a project when it's 90% done?
Fav pen?
What is your opinion on the pledge of allegiance?
Best bag for papers?
I kept my ex husband’s last name because of our children.
Too much going on?
Trying to decide of it's teaching I don't like, or teaching at my school?
Raise your hand if you've ever paid your kid to grade tests
My garbage fire project (in all aspects of the word)
"School is so boring!"
Is this a prepaid card scam?
How are single teachers getting by?
How can I be an effective teacher with no tools or resources?
Had a 16 year old student tell me today she doesn't know how much a quarter is worth.