ULPT: Getting laid off and losing everything

The company I’ve worked loyally for got bought out by a bigger company, and since roles apparently overlap with their current employees, they laid off a bunch of us this past Friday. They’re keeping us until December 20 and then we’re done. The funny thing is that they are keeping my coworkers that I helped train, but still perform less quality work than I do. They’re also getting rid of employees with Master degrees in our field. They haven’t told us how they decided who stays and who goes, and it seems like they’re ignoring our messages and emails but still training and talking to the ones who are staying. My job is what makes up 80% of me and my partners income, so that’s gone. I turn 26 this month so not only do I lose my parents health insurance but now my own. What can I do to fuck over this new company who’s getting rid of so many people and ruining lives? Spam them with bad reviews?

Edit/Update: y’all have convinced me to be the bigger person and just use this time to job hunt while I’m still getting paid. Thanks for all the fun ideas though 😂