ULPT: Getting laid off and losing everything
nick brown (survivor: the australian outback) is the new attorney general of washington state
What makes you feel old?
What's a movie you've re-watched the most?
What horror film has the best plot twist that no one ever talks about?
most common names in the show
What are your opinions on different Christian denominations ?
How many people have kids and secretly wish they didnt?
Non-Calvinists - why do you believe what you believe?
Justin during the reunion ???
Why do people have kids?
is it wrong if i pray to God before my exams?
Which horror movie did you guess the ending of, in the first 10 minutes?
give an example of one thing in your life that shows you that God is real
What movie/series does everyone love but you don't?
Large Litters
I’m an IVF baby, and I feel like a mistake.
What is the nicest compliment someone has ever made you?
What has the Father done for you that you’re grateful for?
What’s a food you went your whole life thinking it was nasty until you tried it?
Christians. HONESTLY do you think you’re superior to non Christians?