Accidental hornworm parent part 2

The hornworm I got to feed to my tarantula (that she wasn’t hungry for) is now way too big for my tarantula to eat, and I think the little line on it’s back may have started to pulsate, so I guess I’m raising it now… I moved it to a new enclosure and added some reptisoil I had leftover from my tarantula’s enclosure to one side, since I saw some resources suggest they like to burrow to pupate. If this enclosure doesn’t have enough ventilation, I’m thinking I can add more holes to the lid (not pictured, lol). I have a lamp I can set up, since they apparently need a lot of light. And then I guess I’ll need to get one of those butterfly net house things for later… Alternatively, would a 10 gallon plastic tub with holes drilled into it work (my tarantula currently lives in one of these and is going to be rehoused soon, so I’m wondering if i can clean it out and reuse it for the moth)? Or do they need the netting-type enclosures for ventilation/climbing? Any other advice/suggestions? I found this guide ( that seems good, but any and all additional advice is much appreciated!

The hornworm I got to feed to my tarantula (that she wasn’t hungry for) is now way too big for my tarantula to eat, and I think the little line on it’s back may have started to pulsate, so I guess I’m raising it now… I moved it to a new enclosure and added some reptisoil I had leftover from my tarantula’s enclosure to one side, since I saw some resources suggest they like to burrow to pupate. If this enclosure doesn’t have enough ventilation, I’m thinking I can add more holes to the lid (not pictured, lol). I have a lamp I can set up, since they apparently need a lot of light. And then I guess I’ll need to get one of those butterfly net house things for later… Alternatively, would a 10 gallon plastic tub with holes drilled into it work (my tarantula currently lives in one of these and is going to be rehoused soon, so I’m wondering if i can clean it out and reuse it for the moth)? Or do they need the netting-type enclosures for ventilation/climbing? Any other advice/suggestions? I found this guide ( that seems good, but any and all additional advice is much appreciated!