How to make this decorative stitch for Skjoldehamn hood?
Which setting to use for “normal”?
Guys I need help finding the title of this book.
How to frame and preserve newspaper page
is my manduca sexta ok??
Do elected officials notice/care when you use an online script to call them?
I didn’t buy this because I don’t have the space or expertise for it at the moment (I’ve never used a table loom and know next to nothing about their construction) but I’m curious what others think of it—fixable, or not worth it?
If your child was named the name you were obsessed with when you were little, what would it be?
does this hornworm pupa look ok?
Show me your best out of context doll pictures that only other collectors would understand. I'll start:
Taking a class on weaving this semester, starting with a frame loom and then moving to the big guns
Getting back to spinning
First time doing miniatures, got a kit for Christmas. Absolutely loved and hated the process, so proud I finished!
Way to use this wool?
Hornworm pupation question
Most outrageous patron request?
pupating hornworms
hornworm—to bury or let burrow?
fat or normal?
Accidental hornworm parent part 2
Advice on archiving old letters
help determining yarn size
Accidental temporary hornworm parent—help?
Most Hygge Books For Children
Newbie here - how to properly archive photos while being able to peruse/flip through them?