She Broke Up With Him. We Celebrated. Then She Pulled the Dumbest Move Ever.
I swear to God, I want to go to my friend and smack the shit out of her right now.
Throwback: My best friend (F21) has been dating this loser (M33) since she was 18. From the very start, I told her it was a bad idea, that he gave me nothing but bad vibes. And guess what? Time and time again, I’ve been proven right. Just a few examples: • Her grown-ass boyfriend publicly made fun of her hairline (which, by the way, is perfectly fine) because his equally pathetic friend told him she was super hot and smart. Like, what kind of insecure man-child does that? • He calls her dumb and mocks her beliefs just because she believes in God. • He dresses up when he goes out drinking with his buddies, but when they go on dates? He looks like he’s about to run errands in his pajamas. And when she asked him to put in some fucking effort, he had the audacity to say, “It doesn’t matter what I wear.” • She asked for more physical touch—literally just to be cuddled—and he told her she was “too high maintenance.”
AND THERE’S MORE. But honestly, just thinking about this absolute waste of space is making my blood pressure spike. He’s 33 years old and has nothing to show for it. No job, no education, just a life of playing poker like some washed-up casino junkie. He doesn’t even have his own place—he rents from his aunt. My friend literally had to tell him to either start studying or get a real job for his own future, because apparently, that concept never occurred to him.
And don’t even get me started on his lowlife friends—every single one of them is either a drug addict or some creepy old dude trying to sleep with 18-to-23-year-olds. Maybe some people would call that a “preference”—I call them predators.
But yesterday? Yesterday, I got the best news ever—SHE WAS BREAKING UP WITH HIM. We talked the whole evening about how garbage he is, how she needed to find a new apartment, how she saw the light. She told me that for her to ever take him back, he’d have to move mountains, become a whole new man. She even admitted she could never picture him proposing to her, like, it was never going to happen. And when she broke up with him? This emotionless excuse of a man just poured himself a glass of whiskey and said, “Maybe for me to realize what I’ve lost, you do need to leave me.” No begging, no real reaction, just nothing. It was so clear—her mind was made up.
I texted her, telling her how proud I was of her for finally walking away, how I was going to be by her side through all of this… AND THEN SHE SENDS ME THIS BULLSHIT:
“No no, I’m not walking away. I realized how much I really have, and I can’t ignore how much he does love me. But we talked yesterday, and he was so adorable, showing all he does to make himself worthy and all his plans that he’s been working on the entire time. And tbh, we don’t have a toxic relationship, but we have to remind ourselves of the amazing love we do share.”
I have never wanted to scream in someone’s face more in my entire life. How do you go from fully recognizing that he’s a useless, disrespectful, broke-ass, 33-year-old creep to suddenly believing in his imaginary “plans” overnight?? He said a few sweet words, and now all the literal years of him treating her like shit just… disappeared??
I HATE this man. And honestly, at this point, I don’t know how much more of this I can take.