I founded a half a million dollar tech company in Italy. I am 25. Ask me anything.
To address rising sea levels, why not shoot water into space?
Why, when they could be like Batman and actively make the world a better place for everyone, do the mega-rich seem to always trend towards being like Lex Luthor instead?
I feel like I gave everything, but she doesn’t care. Need advice.
What do you do when you slacking off in a meeting?
This is a brown E and not a brownie. If you have any questions or concerns related to it, feel free to share them in the comments below.
New baby smell is repulsive
My SO seems to take pride and enjoyment in pooping and farting. What’s up with that?
She Broke Up With Him. We Celebrated. Then She Pulled the Dumbest Move Ever.
How many people did you date before meeting your SO?
I’m child free but abortion broke me
I,24M needs advice on how to discuss my gf's(24F) weight and how to lose it. How do I convice her thats not okay to be overweight and she should address the issue?
How long into your relationship did you move in with your SO?
Please knock some sense into me…
weight management
I (19 F) and my friends (19 F) talk about what we’re attracted to. Am I insane or is oral unattractive?
Is IB Chem HL that bad?
CMV: the world would be a better place without Religion
I hate when people move to countries and don’t learn the language.
How do you call these guys in your country? I'll go first: P E G O N
Why is my answer wrong?
Old people suck!
How old do I look?
HMFT after a Ford F-150 crashes into an SUV violently
Seen on tiktok