VPN trick work for PC?
tell me if it will be possible to get Assassin’s Creed Shadows with a Ubisoft + subscription
PSA its now released for Ubi+ PC NZ works with VPN
taking a trip to new zealand on ubisoft connect PC
I give this game a 10/10
Change that timezone Ubi+ Peeps!!!
Is there a way to fight Blade Phantom again without starting the demo over?
Assassin's Creed: Shadows | Review Thread
Do you guys really think the graphic looks good?
Number of Canadians travelling to U.S. plummets amid threats
Guess what weapon Im trying to learn
What do the two lines indicate here?
What does Jump Master do? It certainly doesn't prevent knockback during jumps. Thought it would be great on IG but it's useless?
Layered armor can't be saved to a specific Equipment loadout
Favorite builds so far?
Any idea why my material collectors aren't collecting materials?
Meaning of Numbers Bottom right Corner of Rewards
boyfriend (19M) said my (19F) v looks ugly. Help?
Biggest Weapon Improvement?
When did Gamers became so uptight?
My Artian Infusion don't have Elements
Weapon choice paralysis
Isn't the Suja Sash a very good item to start HR ?
Capcom Response to the issues
How bad is it on PC really?