I tear my heart open, I sew my ______ shut.
Baseball, huh?
This was the top comment on a "jschlatt" video
Dad i’m _____ hi _____ i’m dad
The moment I laid eyes on _____ I started edging^
On a post about someone being scared they’re going to get raped ☹️
Adventure type game for a 12 and 8 year old to play together.
At what point should i start developing games?
get political with me
If you had to get rid of one of these which one would choose
i found an easter egg in undertale
I tried to create this subreddit too lmao you beat me to it
I took cool photos yesterday and wanted to share them :)
if you the ___ then the ___ will ___
Drop some sick beats below
Tell me your name and I’ll add it on my shirt
STOP Show me your wallpaper
I’m sorry, u/EXCUSE_ME_BEARFUCKER… you’ve tested positive for _____.
Soon, it will be illegal to ______
… AND I JIZZED IN MY _______. 🎵
Am I in the wrong?
Upside down tear and a kitten
Looking for vanilla-ish servers to add to a server tracker on the discord
is breathing a red flag?
I’m thinking of doing a Wheel of r/teenagers users so comment and I will add your name