I just realised, how long have SU foreshadowed this. Damn
Which type of manhwa do you like?
Newest pv『Fake Paradise』 from cn Nikke
How Rem effects Subarus future
Wtf is this? Isnt he just too op?
Guys, i have a plan
Let's see those suggestions
The average reaction to my last troll post + some of the best comments
I just realised that the Ant King ate the queens brain to know who had finished her to revenge her. thats a nice anime only touch that didnt happened in the manhwa :O
Which Subaru is the realest one to you?
I hate Crow propaganda…
why does everyone love echidna
The last male character in S was Donald. Why are there so few male characters? Is it because they didn't sell well enough, or because nobody wants male characters?
Satella to subaru's parents (her in-laws)
Is there a Character you wish to meet again?
When the big wolf meets different types of the RED HOOD
What do you think is the Something that she wants?
I don’t care how badass and strong and cool and hot Priscilla is, I still don’t like her
What would do Capella if something like this happened?
In a world where everyone and everything has a system, level and evolution, would you prefer to reincarnate as an ant, sword, rock, worm or ring.
[Solo Leveling] Comparison
Why didn't he die when Subaru was talking about RBD?