What would you write for this picture?
Favorite character which went through extreme suffering and trauma ?
Do you find singing too “feminine”, or do you believe that anyone is cool doing it?
Staying friends with a boy who likes me?
Favorite character that has dealt with ghosts
Favorite characters who remind you of your parents?
What is the last song you listened to???
What do you want to do with your life? Like what’s your end goal?
You can pull items from your video game inventory into real life
If you could make your own gozyuger, what would you choose
Name A Color, Object/Item, Creature, And Finally One Of Whatever You Want, Then I'll Combine Them All Together To Make A Super-Suit For You To Use, (And Bonus, First Reply Get's To Decide How The Suit Work's/Function's)....
Favorite character who knows martial arts?
Absolute peak, but what do we call him?
Favorite character you like to quote/do an impression of a lot?
Favorite character whose pose you like to hit irl for various reasons
Favorite characters based on classic literature
Do you?
You can choose one video game weapon to survive a zombie outbreak—what do you pick?
Read the photo
Choose a meal
Tell me a superpower that can win against plot armor
Saw this earlier. Mine is:
Favorite character who was canonically a super genius
Make the comments section look like a teenager's Search History
Death is actually scary