The Sulawesi Canal Indonesia is formed by seawater rushing between two rocky cliffs and it’s very popular among tourists for this kind of sliding.
There's always a bigger one. 🤯
Moma still got'em moves
I bet she sold this one immediately after the video 🤣🤣
Who’s he think he’s hiding from? Lol
How do you think this security officer handled the situation?
This dog showed up on my land a few days ago, seems like I’ve adopted her.
Unlock your inner bird
Gato tickling, and loving that little girl like she is her mama
Cat attac
In their eyes, the cat is their mother and protector
Mrs. Lioness checking out a compound yesterday night.
Dance mommy dance
A mother hen will always do her motherly duties...
A mother hen will always do her motherly duties. Lol
Kangaroo attack.. mean thug roo
Kangaroo attac
That's why humans and animals should not cross paths in the wild
Hey, human, I got one.. I got a stick
WE LOVE OUR DAD..and he knows it now... We Salute mom for having a great home
WE LOVE OUR DAD..and he knows it now.
That's so helpful 🐱🐾
WCGW bikers don't need to follow traffic laws
Slowly getting ready for 2.5 COC
He definitely made the video 100x better
Let me show you how I sing
Bamboozled, Discombobulated, Flabbergasted and speechless..a true WTF moment
The Cat is Bamboozled, Discombobulated, Flabbergasted and Shocked.
big pet