[discussion] can not scrap v63 zweihaeder?
How many players are going to play as a ghoul?
H: stuff W: to know if “the unstoppable monster “ is still available in game
I am currently lvl 138 on the SCOREboard .. can I still make it?
Whats the quickest way to get to lvl50
H: Mods below W: Pin Pointer‘s, Leaders, Apparel
H:750 leaders W: offers (NO masks)
[ps4] H: 750 leaders W: to see what I can get for it (no masks!!!)
I scrapped my Father Winter Helmet.
H: Everything in game W: Offers for what you are after
[ps4] H: glowing masks W: see description
Couple for female or other couples only near Columbus
[ps4] H: glowing pig W: offers
[ps4] H: glowing alien W: offers
I've just tried loading into the game 7 times and every single time it's frozen. Don't log off in Helvetia.
[ps4] H: gl pig gl alien Bos js wpjsfsm Usm rf uni w: offers
H:nothing I’ve done this fasnatch event over 500 times nearly every year now I’ve done it and I’ve Afked and I’ve done every event when online and no glowing maskes I hate it W:glowing maskes any and idk what to trade for one
[PS4] H: glowing jackalope W: apparel offers
[ps4] H: glowing alien W:tlc or lc or leaders
Well, it finally happened after 7 years... I got scammed.
Fasnacht 2025 rewards
[ps4]H: the wasteland lottery W:you to know and maybe a trade for tlc/offers
[ps4]H: G pig+ G alien W: offers
H: glowing jackalope w: offers
M51/F43 for F