anne’s note
Elon Musk - ''They want to hurt Tesla because we are stopping the terrible waste and corruption in the government. I guess they are bad people. Bad people do bad things.''
theory about danielle and britney
What do my fridge and cabinets tell you about me?
What is your Gaga hot take?
Does anyone else wish The Traitors was an entirely different show?
Other man made disasters that haunt you besides 9/11?
We know she reads everything. Let’s see if she’s bold enough to address the accusations
trout purse knoll
When you hear the word “Degrassi” what’s the one image that comes to mind?
MAGA attempts to enter bar and was kicked out by owner. Then complains about discrimination
My wife met Amanda!!!
Britney describes the dinner date with Gabby
Deathpact sexually assaults fan
Best HP cover up ever.
This show is downright hilarious
RANT about ARTPOP, Joanne and Chromatica
what was your strangest looking phone?
That's So Raven Theme Song
nickelodeon promo
How mania feels like
Of course tiktok
Which monologue do you prefer, Nacho’s, Howard’s, or Chicanery?
Cyclists Chased by Two Pitbulls
I love Peter in this scene 😂