How do you manage to play the game after getting shaft or not getting the desired unit as an f2p
How many Ultra and what Ultra do you play on your team usually?
I’m not watching this😭
What unit are you still playing to this day?
Tell me why this team isn't meta
Fraud watch 🗣️
Frauds deserve this shame
Which widely hated anime character would you defend no matter what?
What's an anime moment that broke you?
What show is like this for you?
What anime was this for you?
How did i clutch this up
A beverage of sorts ? 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Well this was unexpected
I cannot pull an ultra that’s not yellow
What are y'all favourite units that got done dirty in this game
My Goat pls take your well deserved rest 🕊️
This is why i dont clip below br 60. 3 ultras who dont share tags or zenkais and bro is probably asking why his team isnt doing damage.
What fight gets you the most frustrated in the series?
Thoughts on the Z-A starters?
I missed him so much
Drop your currently Pvp teams
Most underrated part of a Units’ kit
Even is equip is the MVP
Type only emojis and Pit will try to guess who you main in Smash