Drop ur general rating
what can i expect from an Iron Maiden concert?
what was the first movie you watched in theatres
How many movies did you rate with 5 stars ?
facebook keeps adding this weird filter to my story automatically, how do i turn it off?
my work in progress (i know the sewing is a bit dodgy it’s my first time) !!
What's your favorite F&TM song?
Which florence the machine song is this for you?
Which coldplay song is this for you?
Rename your favourite FATM song into a clickbait youtube title
rename your favourite gaga song into a clickbait youtube title
does anyone know why it says 12am instead of a normal concert time (ie 5-7pm)
septum question (not sure if this is the right flair tag)
What piercing did you not expect to hurt as much as it did?
i’ve had a septum piercing since september, and all the crustiness has gone away, i’m still cleaning it almost every day, but the only thing is, it’s recently started to smell like shit. what does this mean?!
i’ve had this tattoo since november and it’s faded a lot since i got it and some areas look like ink didn’t stay, the fading is normal right? should i get it touched up?
What's your Top 3 favorite songs off of Senjustu?
looking at scarlett witch tattoos for ideas and came across this… what is going on with the hands?
Who are your most watched directors this year?
What is your favorite vampire movie?
is there something wrong with my septum?
I currently have 16 total 5 star rated movies out of 513. How many do you have?
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no audio on video clips
What does your rating curve look like?
what should i watch for my 1000th film?
Do you guys rate a movie if you checked out halfway through?