Took a look at the demon list after being gone for a year or two, wtf?
AITB for attacking someone for coming into my hotel room?
How can i start songs offset on the song trigger?
Copy codes
I’m so mad right now.
I feel like the gd death sound effect should be the most annoying thing but nobody talks about it
For all my people with creator points
Something popped up on my screen named "evil spotify"
If Alfa Made Music
this is the pfp that will lead us to a better future (meowbahh is better)
Is there a way to download mp3s from ravedj?
The “3 scary games IN REAL LIFE” series” is actually a masterpiece
Drew Alfa in the Birch War
Drew Alfa
The 4 Stages of a Alfa Fan
Inside a water tower
120 BPM
My Friend Was Pushing Too Hard, Am I In The Wrong?
Am I in the wrong for beating my 12 year old brother for saying the hard r
AIITW for dating my friend's brother?
Am i in the wrong if people say i did them wrong but keep coming back?
Constantly loose toilet seats
Alfaoxtrot game (the malls) there is more to come
Getting your 420th subscriber with 47 minutes left on 4/20/20