What set should I use
Can I finish the fusion ??
You've got to be kidding me.
Do you see a team I can use for fk hard
Skull lord vs scarab king
FINALLY!!! Just took me 387 days to get her. How long did it take u all??? And where do I use her now?
Put this on your nuker it solos scrab king any difficulty 😉
Clan cluster
Really struggling to pick my next 6 star
Clan me please
Am I playing wrong? I finally got my 4th 60 after 217 days of playing and its been an absolute grind trying to get to this point. But I see people who have way less days played posting with like a whole page of 60s.
So what's the consensus on He-Man?
Scarab King issue. Hard lvl 100
I think i messed up my account and am now stuck. Restart?
Looking for the next champion years to 6* any ideas who would be best?
Christmas champs
Who should I change to take this into brutal?
Which Rank 4 should get feasted?
I have $50 to spend on my BF for XMAS and he loves this game. What can I buy him?
6* a void
Got Scyl today, is she usefull?
Should I reroll this or is speed on shields good to keep as a +4?
Looking for Clan
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