Thoughts on Squirrel Girl
my thoughts about Elden Ring as a Sekiro fanboy
What's a character you love to see on your team, but hate to see on the enemy team?
If you could choose the very next hero to be added, who would you pick?
I genuinely need somebody to explain to me, what the hate behind this movie is..because, I felt it was great.
There should be a hero proficiency reward higher then “Lord” that gifts you a unique home screen background of that character
Who else deserves a spot at the 1v1 round table
Stole this from twitter
Does CSUN have a Pokémon club?
My friend group of 12 made their top 5 games of all time. Who do you think has the best list? 👀
How many of you have Mains in each class?
Pics from the Kirk protest today.
Why is there so much protest towards DEI in videogames
In just over a month, this film turns 10 years old. Many say it's the weakest avengers film, but what's one thing that you think it did great or better than the others? And what's one thing you would change in the movie?
Who is your favorite vanguard?
I am begging for a stat that shows the individual healing numbers received from each healer
Ahh yes, Pokémon now has PS2 graphics.
Which Pokémon don’t get enough love in the TCG?
What heroes do you want to play but they just don't click for you? I'll start:
Comfort Game...mine is ESO.
What is one mistake marvel made with the multiverse sage?
What should the MCU’s Midnight Sons team look like?
You have $500 to drop on any booster box today - which are you going with?
Do Scalpers not have jobs?
Avengers:Doomsday is only 2 films away?!?