How Did You Discover This Game?
What is an S17 💎 winner doing in PLAT1
How do I use boost on r1?
I don't play with toxic
Finally hit ssl for the first time! only solo queue. AMA!
Girlfriend and I first time
Protein question
Supersonic Legend Flair Request Thread
What Rank, How long, How did you?
Holly Pointe Problem
Nothing in my library or home screen loads. it just says "were experiencing server issues. things might not work as expected". its been doing this the past few days as well as general clipping issues. any fix?
What is the food a lot of people like that you don’t like?
What type of player are you
Processing is taking forever..
ran into jstn, squishy, and yegs in casual. they played into my username haha. im drunk as hell ill probablyt delete this post tmrw sorry.
Sincerely to you and those who might need this. Cheers!
Tell me what title you use in rl and I’ll decide if you’re allowed in (answering every comment)
Twoson guitar duet
Lunar, Forky, and Yukeo to team in SSA for 2025 season
Hit 1800 for the first time after a nice 6 win streak! (solo q only)
Didn’t get any of the classes I wanted
Brazilian waltzes are so fun to learn and play
any fingerpickers out there?
GC2-3 3V3. Our teammate left after 40 seconds, and we were able to clutch in overtime after a scoreless game. Still can't believe this happened tbh.
Almost 18 Years on Roblox!