What is people's most favourite boss
Undeniable proof gael is the best boss in any souls game
Guys ....What's Ur fav ship couple
Okay Reddit, do your thing, wth happened here?
DS3 boss tier lists on difficulty and how fun they are
And with that, DS3 first playthrough is complete
My dragon hunter kinda guy, is this bling? (ps. can you name him?)
I was told friede was harder than demon prince, I was lied to.
Give me a character YOU, yes, YOU can beat
This MFER 🙌🏼
[Mixed Trope] Characters who have the powers to beat everyone, but don't
When a story unintentionally has much deeper themes than expected
Currently trying to get through the cathedral of the deep (my least favorite area/part of the game) (discussion)
Ok clock app
Name someone who loses more than him
[Hated tropes] When the story claims that an attractive character is actually ugly
Beat sister friede for the first time earlier
The love interest faces impossible odds to defend the main character
Convince me that this show should exist
What's your favorite Elden ring weapon
Should I watch a starter guide before playing Elden Ring?
It only takes three words to fill you with impending doom.
SHUT UP no one cares about your fake fromsoft game.
"I ride on the shoulders of a much stronger character"
Multiple personalities are forced to share one body.