Sri Lankan leopard fearlessly snatches water buffalo calf right in front of its mother
this cute couple wanted to take a look at all the dinosaurs in my park :D
When an intentionally campy series gets rebooted to be dark and gritty
Elusive caracal caught on camera in Mukundra Hills Tiger Reserve, a first in two decades | Jaipur News - The Times of India
Michigan considers return to year-round coyote hunting
Considering the fact that WBD removed all of the classic Looney Tunes shorts from Max and the non existent marketing for the new movie, this moment feels very appropriate:
Must have been the wind🗣️🔥🔥🔥
Coaxed into asking for help online
Warner Bros Did No Advertising For This Movie- To Keep 2D Animation- Let’s Get People To Watch It.
"Friend, Uncle & Father" by Tanner Wright
How Godzilla and Mothra should interacting imo
So, my dad found me watching Hazbin, and he reacted like this. What should I do? 😭
Thoughts on Jurassic World: Rebirth so far (again...)
According to the Times of India, this is a Titanosaur...
Don't cry little Jurassic Park fan, Uncle Universal has enough "stuck on an island" plots to feed you for your entire life!
Such a great bit.
Rivalry across time and space
In the God of War (202?) the show runners should get Pedro pascal to play the game for them like in TLOU
At least nobody's shrinking the whale... yet.
In a rare twist, a large Spinosaurus manages to take down its would-be predator, a Carcharadontosaurus, and makes good use of the free calories it provides - by Ukrainezilla
Triceratops deserves more credit
Some examples of how the game’s perspective doesn’t do any justice to just how freaking HUGE everything in Monster Hunter really is
When you fought Frienzied Monsters again in MHWilds: