Which is it for you?
Cards with nearly the same aura
I went 18 turns without water! Props to my opponent for letting me suffer. I WILL NEVER CONCEDE.
THIS is the BEST 3D art in the game. Convince me otherwise, I dare you.
What are your thoughts on leafeon
Built a luck calculator
Garchomp was 60hp going into coinflip…
Is Trump bad for America and why?
11-1 with this deck. 3 wins vs eggs and celebi. 2 vs infernape. Only loss was due to bad luck with energy gen. (fighting and water)
Bro does NOT realize how dead he is
Uhhhhhhhhhhh how??
Anyone else getting absolutely miserable pulls?
It would have to be good day for me
Troll picks should be considered grief play
Which Card/Pokemon isn't on the app that you are waiting for?
So it’s war then? ITS WAR (Nothing against you folks personally, I just want some good clean memeing action to make the off-season go faster)
Tried my hand at a mock draft
So many options
I love bad randoms!
I love playing ranked so so so so sock eh to an kss as k cd oss as meh ex jdhshahxhzsi I much.
Underrated song check:
It’s like they have this attachment to level nine brawlers and no skill
Why did I have to face him….
First rank 30- top 75 with brawler in the USA
You are never safe