Just a quick PSA to my solo que teammates
Spider-man ruins the game for casuals
Squad NEEDS destructible environment.
I don't think Magiks bad but it's insanely hard to get out of Diamond with her
Ranked is in a bad place right now
Can they please stop fucking with the mouse settings
In your opinion; Who is the best Support, and who is the Worst?
I hate armor SL's who sit in the gun.
How do you counter Geodude
execpt when the enemy is Putin
High Diamond and High Elo Matches Are Not Fun.
Oh no! Destiny! What a nightmare!
How would you feel if riot increased the time it took to kill people overall?
DGG right now.
i condemn you!!!
I hate smurfs with a burning passion
Elon is an antisemitic Zionist?
My rank is bronze 2 in solo/duo. Why do I get matched with high silver/low gold? How is this fair? How am I supposed to climb out of bronze if I have to play vs. players two tiers higher than me? (and I am playing solo. And the server is EUNE.)
I hit gold3 for the MK skin, here's some general tips to help you do the same.
I got to diamond with 100% WR ama
Ok but actually though 😭
Can we please get opposite colours for enemy ultimates.
Wanted to share my success getting out of silver as a jungler
Guess my elo