AirPod Max won't charge anymore right as warranty expires...
What are your guys thoughts on the sentiment: "Eminem is only popular because he's white"
Does Eminem's political stance have any impact on how you view his music or think politically?
How can I serve my Dom ?
Complete beginner
What's he screaming?
Introspective question and discussion
Stan film terms and conditions. (Posting for someone else, not my experience.)
In 2016, apparently Eminem decided to go on Genius and troll his own lyrics.
AITA for getting an entire table for myself after my husband and his mom didn't save me a seat?
AITA for not wanting my potential future child to learn 3 languages when my other kids only know 1?
AITA for expecting my girlfriend to pay for her stay at my family's cabin?
AITA for “ruining” my sister in law’s honeymoon by exposing her racism?
AITA for refusing to meet my terminally ill mother knowing that she wants to apologize and seek forgiveness?
AITA For Walking Out Of My 5 Year Old Nieces Birthday Party & Taking Her Present With Me?
AITA for going off on my fiancé after I found out that he and his mom have been secretly "rating" my motherhood?
AITA for calling my MOH ridiculous for refusing to give a speech on my wedding?
AITA for not give my watch to my best friend??
AITA for asking my brother to move my nieces christening ?
AITA for holding my son's college fund hostage?
Did you regret renouncing children and motherhood for your partner ?
WIBTA for refusing to use my inheritance to set up a down payment if I'm not married ?
AITA for telling my coworker stop snatching my phone out my hand?
WIBTA if I contacted the shop manager about a message my tattoo artist sent me?