Master Set Question
Who are you lots top 6 (with HMs aswell)
The wildcards for GBB25 are ridiculous.
My Top 5 Favorites (recommend me some more?)
[Gen 4] I am livid
Is my card ruined or do people look for this sort of stuff?
Is this classed as a misprint?
Colaps thoughts on is current level
Turning a complete short story into a manuscript.
What About Beatboxing Should We Leave In 2024?
Osis vs Julard
Just started career for Valencia (Mens) and had a match against Barcelona Femini. It is something new for me🤣
To everyone complaining about Julard and GBB24
If ChatGPT shut down today, would you be cooked (scale 1-10)
What differences can you expect if you achieve a 2.1/2.2 and not a 1st?
Russel group
I feel like I was shafted by my lecturer
Differences between a 2.1 and a 1st
Now that tomazacre released a video clarifying that he is, in fact, innocent, will anything change in the beatbox scene or will everything get swiped under the rug the same way it happened with wunknown
How long do you wait to chase a reply?
What is this bass?
Thoughts on GBB24 as a beatboxer (disappointed...)
Remix vs oasis
Just got an 80% on my first TMA, is this good?
That was insane