Wish me luck to stand up to mi wife (F29)
Anyone tried the La Vie Quatayef?
Has anyone met a narc that apologized for being a narc and changed into a caring person?
I don’t understand if I’m being manipulated again.
Did your narc also respect your boundaries only when convenient?
Drunken Narc Mom and delusions with children
Cheating on You Emotionally?
Did your narc spouse regularly cook for you?
Did your narc use you as a punching bag?
Why do we try to justify narcs as being “not that bad”?
I rebuilt my life and yet...
Is it normal to be scared of them?
Negging dog whistle manipulation
Do they know who they are and what they do?
Do narcs ever get their karma or any punishment?
If you’re planning to set boundaries against narc abuse becareful
Missing Dog / Cookie - Shih tzu
Norovirus from raw oysters
I want to sue or at least file a complaint to a restaurant for giving me colitis
buttermilk in korea
How Much To Save?
What are your favorite mix-ins?
As always, I'm trying to find "where's the scam?". I don't get this one ..
$250 haircut??
Will release of $3B Bitcoin from Mt Gox cause market bottom in August?