Itch starts several hours after ingesting alcohol or coffee that lasts several days without rash
RyanAir sized personal item
Public Advisory - Traffic Along Eighth Street
33rd school zone
Does anyone else feel like combat sucks?
What do YOU do when your camera dies?
(Not so?) Hot Take: Ease of use aside, a flatbed provides good to great enough results for 95% of people's use cases
Is Ebay the place to buy used 645s, RBs, etc in 2023?
Deal or No Deal
Question for frequent Carnival cruisers...
Climate Incentive Payment
School zone safety audits (Henry Kelsey and St Mary's)
How to get this contrast/style with film? (By @lindetcharlotte)
Documenting film usage
Has anyone seen these lucky cats for sale anywhere in the city?
How to print Instax-like photos taken from your canon DSLR (or smartphone)
Incinerator Winter 2022 - Yashica FX-D Kodak Gold 200
Minolta "A" 35mm Camera for $10
should I try shooting with a totally manual film camera even though I have a decent dslr too?
does anyone used these reels for 120 film? description says that they're adjustable, but I can't open them, feels very tight and I'm afraid to broke it. any tips ?
Godox TT350C with EOS Elan 7e film camera
DF96 Monobath Shelf Life
Articulating screen - do you use it?
Do I need to pre-order the R6 Mark II to get one? How is the supply of cameras these days?