Archenemy event
Rep 21 Nobushi (Sakura Gaurdian) and rep 19 Warmonger (Reagal Gaurd)
Pictures of the street reflection in my cat's eye
What’s the most pathetic thing that’s scared you?
What if?
Tell me what your favorite game
tell me what is your favorite game (in general)
Best Spirit Ash?
What game made you cry?
Need a name for my best pokemon for 4 years
I was awoken in the dream thus morning by the light through my window.
What’re your recent 12 shiny’s caught?? Let’s em!
Together by the blood
You are Apollyon's lawyer. Defend her.
AITA For eating the only non alcoholic Ice cream?
Am I doing something wrong or has my luck been so bad for almost a year?
Anyone else getting kicked every game?
What is your go to weapon in God of War Ragnarok?
Character Sales
How do safe hits after getting off a hook exactly work?
Did the Mori update mess thing up or is this just a glitch?
Can you trade huges from this to petsim if you get them?
Got my first tattoo