Is anyone here after of feeling trapped while flying? I have a long flight tomorrow and I am terrified. Help.
Recomiendan ver Friends? Nunca la he visto
What is ‘that/those’ episode(s) you always skip?
do i have a celebrity look alike?
Can anyone suggest any good skin overlays?
Found out my problem but was it worth it
My experience and appreciation
I did it!
100% recomendada o no?
The way Tom pressures Lynette into having sex is disgusting
What will be your 4 picks from this list ?
Facecard never declines my god!
I have a theory!!!
pov: you sneak up on two women in a dark basement bellowing and wiedling an axe and get mad when they self defend themselves
Kayla and Isaac hard launch on TikTok
Who would you NOT get along with in real life?
What's your favourite Ryan Gosling movie??
david schwimmer the man that you are
Recent sims I made 🌺
Which death scene made you cry the most? – Life Is Beautiful (1997)
Just playing Sims, while playing sims
What movie made you weep like a baby when you first watched it?
Claustrophobic People of Reddit, What Triggered It for You? How Do You Cope?
What perfume gets you the most compliments?