Anyone else agrees with me that higher difficulty modes should pay out a bit more in rewards?
Which one should I get?
Good or Mid?
Vendors in europe
Has anyone ever seen/had these? Supposedly full spectrum
New 7stax 30 mg 🔥👏
ULPT Request: Can I sell canned compressed air on facebook/craigslist?
i’ve seen pictures of tablets, but never bulk powder?
The progress after lvl 10
There’s No way
Can I beat hard?
What is bro doing? :|
My Hands are glowing under UV Light, and I'm 99% sure it's the 7oh causing it.
sorry to who has to see a lvl 1 in hard now
Debating whether to recommend 7oh to a friend with chronic pain
How in the world do I dose this? Vendor is Divine Seven
Oral vs insufflate
TAO Slaps! Hard!
Help with powder
Blob 56k devour
Do people actually believe theirs a difference in effects from tablet to tablet? It’s all the same thing.
7-hydroxymitragynine withdrawals stop with low dose
WG 100MG Mocha Tabs
I don't get it...