Ghost Mountain
confess!!! who are ur biggest scene/emo/band crushes?
Mechatok at Marx grave 🫡
your favorite sd16 song?
Welcome back Elliott
YouTube Music coming in strong with the recap
This a good list?
What is the least sweet monster?
fye set at iiipoints miami
I know this is a dumb question, but i genuinely just like to see what Bladee wears in his muisc videos, its like a scavenger hunt, however i'm genuinely stuck on this. What brand is this shirt from? (MV -
New Dj Billybool merch
How do yall feel about these new pants?
Is the quality of the clothing and denim that much different or better from normal brands?
Is this legit?
What jeans is bladee wearing?
Share ur fav sbe/dg song
what cigarettes yall be smoking
Is it too obvious that these are womens.
What are y’all’s favorite sematary projects atm? (New or old)
Bunny Suit clip posted on lyricalemonade’s instagram for Easter 🐣
what else yall listen to
Nevada, New Rocks and Worlds a Fuck removed from Spotify
would Ethel Cain like Haunted Mound?!!
What is the weather in Finland she’s dressed like it’s 80° he’s dressed like it’s 40°