What is your Shrek hottake that has you like this ?
Whats’s your favorite John Mayer live vocal performance?
Let’s do I. There should be a lot of good ones for this!
why is edp built like a coffee bean
That was close! Let’s continue with H
C, GO!
No cheating!
What’s your John Mayer opinion that feels like this?
What about B?
Need new music to listen to!
Let's see those suggestions
Just for fun - pick your top 5 from the pictured guitarists!
It's crazy how horribly he aged
What is a John Mayer lyric that hits close to home?
What would he be searching?
What's B?- Laufey ABCs
What is your favorite finger-picking song by John Mayer?
What JM song have you listened to the most? Live and/or studio..
Mine is cheetos
What is your favorite Your Banned Moment by Caseoh?
What was your earliest memory of you playing GTA for the first time?
How did you discover Dashie and what was the earliest memory you have of watching him for the first time?
What is the album you have listened to the most by John Mayer of course?
His Facebook page is a goldmine LMFAO
Any tips for learning edge of desire?