MoveIT class action lawsuit legit?
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
Student Body Politics
Worth switching to Garmin?
Smart Alarm App
Rec for a mid-long distance runner?
How in the HELL does my watch know what lifts I'm doing?!
Ankle wearing
Vitamin(s) for fatigue, mental clarity, general health?
What’s a Garmin data point, feature, or activity that took you a while to utilize?
UM EAlert
IUD insertion at UHS
Mexican food
Help choose the best We're Here To Help episode of all time
South Grove Apartments?
How competitive is the undergrad Political Science program at TCU?
Why do older people believe in copy-paste posts on Facebook?
Favourite call?
How long does it take the watch to get good at reading you?
Get a garmin 265s?
Ep. 94 - Ding Dash Ditch | featuring June Diane Raphael
Eugene is a SERIOUS ACTOR and ARTIST guys that’s why he disappeared..
Favorite episodes that are just plan crazy?
Celebrity gossip
Published on YouTube: church choir villain wants me dead (w/ Jared Popkin) | Perfect Person Ep. 80