new player looking for a warlock strand grapple add clear build (if it exists)
It's been almost a week since S Anby released. How is everyone experience so far.
Abyone got a prismatic build with the warlock sword and exotic mark ?
Is well of radiance outclassed by other build-crafting options in the current sandbox?
Witch one is better
Best non-Peacekeepers builds for Barrow Dyad
Can’t even beat main story with this 😭
Pulling regret tier list
I hate the new event and its camera.
Looking for a good prismatic warlock build any suggestions anyone
Gm build for warlock
Cenotaph build to take advantage of new artifact perks?
I got S0 anby today i have a few questions about her build and team comp
I love playing comp, it's my favourite playlist
New robes
Anyone got good Solar Titan builds for Raneiks Unified? Need to complete the solar triumph
More info about limited banner changes via Sakura
Best Warlock Subclass to pair with Outbreak Perfected?
How good are these?
Double turret build with new dungeon exotic and sanguine alchemy
After hating the SE warlock armor initially, I’ve gotta say I think it’s an underrated armor set
Do you think he knows their menstrual cycles by now?
My akita howls for my cat is that normal
Shiyu 7 Second Half, Astra Nicole M1 Evelyn (56s)
Can you get more then one memory of the witness ?