Favorite bands with a front-woman (female lead singer)
Is there a single genre where most of the listeners consider only 1 artist as the best of that genre?
What do you think the last great Rolling Stones song was?
Bands you would like to see release a new album that most likely won't?
Father Time
A Father, A Soldier, A Ghost
concerts i have planned for 2025 VS Concerts i attended in 2024
Bars that have UFC
What is the best use of a swear word by any of the Whose Line cast?
Guess my age based off my childhood
Good places to busk on campus?
Does Steven Page sign BNL stuff?
6 hour drive and you can only listen to one artist. Who are you listening to?
What are some of your favorite Dylan opening lines?
NGD Epiphone Dot
The Roses I was blind to see
Baby Grohl
Did anyone else think Post Malone's SNL 50 vocals were hard to listen to?
Who is the John Lennon /Kurt Cobain for Millennials? Gen Z?
The first Kendrick song you heard that turned you into a fan?
Keith on a swing with Marlon
From the troubled teen to the dad of the troubled teen
How could people think the halftime show was bad?
Rose And Gold