Two star ** finally. Thought I was only getting one stars * this whole set
Can anyone link me a deck with this bad boy in it. I wanna use it I’m just not the most creative with deck building.
How many ⭐️⭐️ have you wonderpicked?
Ever feel like “ ahh this cards cute.”. 5 later “ ya fuck this card”
What is the first word that comes to mind with my art?
Please help naming blind tortoise cat
How does my most rare look? What do y’all think
The tracking in this game is awful. I know I would have probably lost regardless, but this just hurts when it happens.
Does any one have a this card need this is the last card I need for mythical Island
Ties suck lol lost my win streak :p
What's your guys favorite Immersive Art Card?
It has to be something about being to close to the wall. It happens on the opposite side this time.
Should my unfinished art stay unfinished?
Why does my cat sleep like this?
Do you do more damage if you catch both slayers?
What kind of porn do you think Doctor House watches?
The cleanest step to the left
What should I name this fellow?
I have a lot of combo notes for Hc will I need to redo them for hc2?
This look was the first time I started to dislike Foreman.
Did this make anyone else uncomfortable
Repost for: night-watch-4219. Slayers notes only. I haven’t even tried a demon yet :p
I'm absolutely horrible at names
What is the best hair dye remover to get rid of permenant red dye?
Whats his name?