Can someone make my pet chicken Lord Peck: Terror of Worms match his namesake?
Am I tripping or is this photo disturbing?
How to approach the desire for a threesome without pressuring my girlfriend?
Ladies, what are the things that Indian men do, that gives you the 'ick'?
This generation is doomed
Etiquette opinion: Is it bad form to chat during a dance?
Our Anton is currently fighting for his life, can you paint him for us?
Eye contact and intimacy while dancing
Rant about wtf is going on
AIO for asking why money was taken from our account
People are telling me to get a nose job - would it make me more pretty?
Face touching
So... Is this a troll article or someone else lol
To the foreign student on the train to Hradec Králové last week:
draw me and my sweet girl please, she passed from cancer 3 weeks ago and i’m not handling it well at all
50 yo man raped and killed his 7 yo daughter. I'm numb.
AIO my gf deleted her dms with her male friend
Slapped a pervert man in metro today
Wtf was the last episode 👀
Am I Overreacting? My GF’s (straight) male bestfriend called her “Sexy”?
Sensual social dancers you like?
AIO because i called the youth welfare office on a cowoker.
AIO or is this kind of strange for my gf to do?
Is this it? I'm 25 and used to this for some years.
Follower's help me out in shadow position (hand on hip or stomach?)