What side character you think could start in their own anime?
Do you think someone should be allowed to have a second kid if they abandoned their first one?
Would you buy Grand Theft Auto 6 for $100?
What is the darkest anime that you've watched?
So..... what do ya'll think of Tepig?
CuckTales 🐓 Giveaway - Comment to Enter!
Jimmy Neutron VS Moon girl
What main game character can't be considered as a good guy?
Do Audiobooks count as reading books?
Who is this? (Wrong answers only).
You're Trapped in Prison,The Last Character You Played Has to Rescue You. How Screwed Are You?
What side character you think could start in their own video game?
What video game villain would you like to see get their own game?
Pick one trope to ban for the next 10 years
Last 3 games you played have merged. What are you even playing?
What's one video game you enjoy playing even though you suck at it?
In your opinion what makes a boss fight great?
What video game level / boss fight was so hard that you had to Cheez-It to Beat It ?
What video game you swear was made to torture the player?
What scene made you say this:
What's one boss fight you had trouble with because you were fighting them the wrong way?
Are you the Protagonist?
What video game time mission had you on the verge of Rage quitting?
What video game weapon/armor is worth the hell you got to go through to get it?
What video game is too easy on normal but too hard on hard?