met a poopbian
its been 5 years since the invasion stop searching for ######### posts
female to low value male, whats the point?
what were your first thoughts on trans people when you discovered them?
trans stereotypes 🤗🤭😝
What enneagram are you?
Self proclaimed malebrained trans men be the most fembrained of them all
awwww, there is hope for trans wom- oh god.
Who said pooners aren’t desirable?
do you have a favorite 4tranner?
Jesus loves all the creatures of th’Earth
some murican tranners saying they’re about to be camped but acting like they’re picking a vacation spot
The only reason tranners lost access to puberty blockers
How do i make my bear admit he also has an armpit fetish
I gotta start lurking femcel subs for stronger ropefuel they're great at it
Why is height such a deal breaker?
Post more forcemasc
classic eff tee em
i like being a newfag
Genuinely what should trans people’s optics be
They're evolving
Is MBTI fembrained?
i'm so glad i've been banned for the past week because the theyfab riots looked boring as shit 😴😴
bobs and vegane for those who wanted