Who would win in a fight?
Is this game rare and when yes how much can I ask for?
I'm a simple man
Some of yall were created in a lab or something cos what are these cross-hairs 🤣
Why am I not moving? (I have two engines, and both are spinning) Do I need 4?
Name your favorite villain
Is he taking the win or not?
Pick any object in the world and I’ll give you a power based on it
third Subjugator variant that was in the concept art. Ideas as to why it got cut?
What's a hero that's great, but doesn't need to be nerfed?
So what's going on?
If the answer is no, that’s fined but pls at least explain WHY we can’t have a proper firing range.
Absolute Titan Moment
I want to do Ghosts of the Deep for the first time. What do I need to know?
My Warlock for Heresy
What are some things every new player inevitably have to go through?
Will this finisher ever come back ?
Kevin, The Crunched
Favorite character that resembles someone from IRL without actually being them
You with a AK-47 VS a T-Rex. Who Wins? Why?
What should we make sure the devs include in Subnautica 2?
Name my Wyvern
My best base yet.
I'll make skins for free
What’s everyone’s favorite shader of all time (even if you don’t use it a lot