My genre of crazy
Hvad er dit sketchy aftensmadshack?
Pc keeps rebooting
I got french exit on vinyl
Any karaoke places going on?
Bus/train to Funen village
What should i name Him?
Meninger om Civica?
I hate this thing
Round 2: Which IB class is “made to be hated”? Top comment wins.
Am i a "poser" for trying a fake nose piercing?
Fangirling at Slipknot concert
is it normal to do bad on mocks?
Biology Revision Method
IO Advice? (IB Literature)
I made a gay test
Who is this? (Wrong answers only)
Got a 5 on my first chemistry test...
Use this as a time capsule to see your comment in (hopefully) 5 years.
Exam Discussion: Chemistry HL paper 2
Exam Discussion: Chemistry HL paper 3
Exam Discussion: Mathematics: analysis and approaches SL paper 1
Exam Discussion: Mathematics: applications and interpretation SL paper 1
Exam Discussion: Global politics HL/SL paper 1