Thoughts on the “greater love” slogan for Easter?
I am Valerie and Nathan Hamaker’s oldest. AMA
Don’t be tempted!
Again church leaders confirm that you CANNOT be a member in good standing and hold and simultaneously practice mental health medicine with a state license that legally requires you to not be a direct missionary/mouthpiece for the church. Valerie Hamaker and Natasha Helfer are PROOF.
Tell me you're Mormon without telling me you're Mormon.
Popular Mormon podcasters resign from LDS church, a step ahead of excommunication
Of course…
"The bishop told the Hamakers he believed they followed Jesus Christ, but he was wrestling with whether they followed the LDS prophet."
The #1 lie in the church: that church leaders are your peers and friends. They are neither. Church courts always come down to leaders demanding that you elevate them above you and degrade yourself. The two faced abuse doled out to the Hamaker's is very triggering. Serious TW
Mormon Faith Crisis Podcasters Excommunicated
MIL in ER again because of this church
Ward Council is Bull Shit
Things church leaders have already accepted losing, but won't even hint at telling the membership:
My preferred seat as a PIMO. Can’t take the garbage spewing around in Sacrament Meeting and Gospel Doctrine.
Crazy mo-mo reason to get cruise insurance
Anyone else notice Mormons aren’t as respected as they’d think they are?
As the correlation research division uses this sub to write upcoming General Conference talks, I just caught google (a well paid propaganda subcontractor of the church) accidentally admitting that there is ZERO inspiration involved in picking the next "prophet."
Saying the quiet part out loud: TBMs are filled with hate for us. They seethe with rage for us leaving a toxic and dishonest entity, which they wish they had the courage to do. Jacob Hansen's childish mockery of Nemo is how they act. They've become what they claimed they were better than.
SL Tribune, front page: A new BYU study says mormons less prone to scrupulosity and perfectionism. Why was there no pushback on the home cooked data from author and BYU grad, Kemsley? Do better, Trib!
And just like the USSR, the church won't publicly admit to how bad things actually are.
What has been the most healing/post-Mormon belief or realization you have experienced?
When you’re PIMO at church… and considering not coming back
Why isn’t the name of the church on these ads?
Question for women, from a woman: why are women leaving now and not 10-20 years ago?
Mormon rage. It's different from regular rage. Have you ever seen it?